Buy tickets Dāvanu karte - Rotko Muzeja apmeklējums un Martinsona māja Daugavpils, Rotko Muzejs January 31

Dāvanu karte - Rotko Muzeja apmeklējums un Martinsona māja

January 31 (Sat), 10:00 - 23:59
Daugavpils, Rotko Muzejs, Mihaila iela 3,
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17.50 €
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The Rothko Museum in Daugavpils is one of the most ambitious cultural projects of the 21st century in Eastern Europe - a multifunctional center of contemporary art, culture and education, which has visited the Historical Artillery Arsenal of the Daugavpils Fortress. In addition to Mark Rothko's original exhibit, the museum reveals four variable exhibitions a year, offering about 30 art projects of 2500 square meters. Implemented in group and solo exhibition format, they provide insight into the top art trends in Latgale, Latvia and abroad, giving art lovers a rich and stimulating cultural experience. As part of residency programs, the museum regularly visits and creatively works with artists from different countries around the world. During the year, several symposia are organized in various artistic sectors - painting, graphics, textile art, ceramics, photography and sculpture. In addition to the dynamic exhibition program, the Rothko Museum works as an open and creative learning platform with a wide range of activities - offering creative workshops and workshops and organizing art education programs for children and young people. The museum has accommodation, seminars, conference rooms, as well as chamber hall with piano, souvenir kiosk and cafe. In 2022, a long -awaited cultural and art space was opened next to the Rothko Museum, Martinson's House. Along with the permanent exhibition "The City of Dreams" with the works of the outstanding ceramicist Peter Martinson, there are variable exhibitions and open ceramic storage.

Tickets are subject to an agent fee of 7.26% of each ticket price! Gift Card valid for 3 months from the time of purchase can be attended: no age limit
Language: Latvian, Russian, English
Place for disabled in a wheelchair: IRSIFICE Entrance: Pre -school Children (up to 6 years, inclusive), Children's Home students, students of Daugavpils Solar School, students of Daugavpils University Faculty of Music and Art, Groups 1 and 2 for disabled people, and group 1 for disabled people or children with disabilities, excursion group leaders, Latvian museum staff, members of ICOM and ICOMOS, Latvian Members of the Artists 'Union, members of the Daugavpils Artists' Association, press representatives. During the opening of the exhibitions, the entrance to the relevant sector - free of charge: working hours:
p. -switch
o. 11.00-17.00
, C., p., S. 11.00-19.00

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Daugavpils valstspilsētas pašvaldības iestāde Rotko muzejs


Mihaila iela 3, Daugavpils, LV-5401, Daugavpils,

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