Buy tickets Art & Wine radošā meistarklase: Interjera gleznas (60x80) 4 stundas Rīga, Art and Wine studija February 16

Art & Wine radošā meistarklase: Interjera gleznas (60x80) 4 stundas

February 16 (Sun), 14:00 - 18:00
Rīga, Art and Wine studija, Elizabetes iela 31A
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65.00 €
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Create a unique interior painting with your hands on a 60x80 large canvas in just 4 hours, accompanied by a professional artist! Choosing color, style and themes can help create the desired mood. The painting will become a great interior decorative element. It can become the central accent of the room, giving the space beauty and harmony, as well as highlighting your individual style and taste. The painting can become a great visual accent in your living room, bedroom, office or any other home or office space. You will bring home a ready -made painting that will be a unique and important decor of your interior, a love work created with love that makes it particularly important and valuable. This will be a unique experience that will remain in memory for a long time! • You will get incredible emotions
• You will spend time
• Get valuable reviews from your friends and family

price includes:
• Large canvas on the frame (60x80)
• Colors, texture paste
• Potal -Zelta foil
• Additional materials for structural surface form
• Different size brushes and everything you need to create the perfect painting for your home or For a gift

Not counting the paintings offered, you can choose any other painting from our catalog.

The event can be attended by: From the age of 15
Language: Latvian, Russian, English
Free Admission: No Duration of
Event: ~ 4h
Admission: 10 min before the event
A Disabled People in a Wheelchair: No
Disabled Disabled in a wheelchair: No

On the AllEvents portal you can always Buy tickets to an event Childrens Art & Wine radošā meistarklase: Interjera gleznas (60x80) 4 stundas, Rīga, Art and Wine studija February 16

* The description translation is done automatically. There may be inaccuracies. Be sure to check the event description on the ticket store website when buying tickets.


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Art and Wine SIA

+371 29929686

Gulbju iela 25 k-1 - 1B, LV-2008, Jūrmala

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