Buy tickets Art and Wine radošā meistarklase: Zīmējam 'Kaisle' Rīga, Art and Wine studija March 02

Art and Wine radošā meistarklase: Zīmējam 'Kaisle'

March 02 (Sun), 14:00 - 17:00
Rīga, Art and Wine studija, Elizabetes iela 31A
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49.00 €
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Under the guidance of a professional artist you:

• You will find your image
• taste the wine • You will get incredible emotions
• Interestingly you will spend time
• Get valuable reviews from friends and family


The event can be attended: from the age of 12
Language: Latvian, Russian, English
Free Entrance: No duration of
Event: ~ 3h
Admission in the event: 10 min before the event
Disabled in a wheelchair: not buying 2 or more tickets for one 37.50 EUR

On the AllEvents portal you can always Buy tickets to an event Childrens Art and Wine radošā meistarklase: Zīmējam 'Kaisle', Rīga, Art and Wine studija March 02

* The description translation is done automatically. There may be inaccuracies. Be sure to check the event description on the ticket store website when buying tickets.


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Event organizer

Art and Wine SIA

+371 29929686

Gulbju iela 25 k-1 - 1B, LV-2008, Jūrmala

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