Buy tickets Ekskursija 'Čaks & Vakilija' Rīga ZOO Rīga, Rīgas Zooloģiskais dārzs December 05 - April 12

Ekskursija 'Čaks & Vakilija' Rīga ZOO

December 05 - April 12 (Thu), 10:00 - 18:00
Rīga, Rīgas Zooloģiskais dārzs, Meža prospekts
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100.00 €
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Excursion "Chuck & Vakilia"

• Group size: up to 10 people
• Excursion Duration: 1 - 1.5 hours
• Excursions language: Latvian
• Price: entrance ticket + €100.00 (for guide services)
• Application: apply and learn more by writing to or by calling +37122003212
• Prepayment for guide services is required
• Excursion available also on Saturdays, Sundays.

Do you know how giraffes sleep? Do you know how many vertebrae make up a giraffe's long neck? Did you know that giraffes use ultrasound to communicate? During the excursion, we will find out the answers to these and other interesting questions together, and together we will look behind the scenes of the Giraffe House of Riga ZOO. The excursion is led by professional animal handlers who work with the giraffes of the Riga ZOO on a daily basis.

What will we do during the excursion?
• We will go on an interesting and educational adventure accompanied by a professional giraffe handler of the Riga ZOO;
• We will hear many interesting stories and facts about the giraffes of Riga ZOO;
• We will find out what giraffes eat and how they train in Riga ZOO;
• Let's take a look at the everyday life of the giraffes of Riga ZOO by visiting the work rooms that are not accessible to visitors on a daily basis;
• Let's play a question-answer game, rewarding the most erudite member of the group!

Choose clothes suitable for the weather and comfortable shoes!

categories, as well as depending on the season, day of the week and time of visit. Choose the most suitable for you! Rules of general procedure for visitors I. General rules

1. The internal regulations of SIA "Rīgas National Zoo" (hereinafter - Riga ZOO), hereinafter referred to as the "Internal Rules", determine the rights and obligations of visitors and Riga ZOO, as well as provide visitors with valuable information about a safe visit to Riga ZOO.

2. The purpose of the rules of internal order is to ensure the successful operation and order of Riga ZOO.

3. Compliance with the rules of the internal procedure is mandatory for all visitors and guests of Riga ZOO, regardless of the reason for entering the territory (ticket purchase, event attendance, work visit, rental rights, etc.).

4. 5. By purchasing entrance tickets, visitors agree to comply with the internal rules of Riga ZOO. Visitors to the Riga ZOO keep the entrance ticket until the end of the visit and present it to an employee of the Internal Security Service of the Riga ZOO upon request.

6. The weather does not determine the possibility of returning the money for the purchased ticket.

7. Visitors follow the instructions of Riga ZOO employees.

8. Visitors to the Riga ZOO, while in the territory of the Riga ZOO, must behave in accordance with the moral and ethical norms accepted by the society, observe cleanliness.

9. Photo and video recording is taking place in the territory of Riga ZOO. The obtained materials may be used for the purposes of publicity and detection of violations.

10. In the territory of the Riga ZOO, visitors may only dispose of waste in specially designated waste bins.

11. Riga ZOO visitors are responsible for their personal belongings during their visit to Riga ZOO.

12. Items found in the territory of Riga ZOO are delivered to the cashier.

13. Lost and found belongings in the territory of Riga ZOO are stored for two months, after this period the belongings are donated to charity or destroyed.

14. Information about reporting options (phone number) in an emergency situation or when you see a violation, placed throughout the territory of Riga ZOO.

II. Safety of visitors to Riga ZOO

15. In extreme situations (fire, storm, flood and other cases), Riga ZOO visitors obey without reservation the orders of Riga ZOO employees, in case of necessity they follow the evacuation plan.

16. The visitors of Riga ZOO take personal care and are responsible for the health and safety of themselves and their children, as well as the invited guests, including children, and do not threaten or behave violently towards other visitors and Riga ZOO employees.

17. Parents take care and are responsible for ensuring that children are in the presence of them or a trusted person during their visit to Riga ZOO.

18. If a visitor to Riga ZOO or his child is injured by violating the rules of the internal order, the responsibility for damage to health lies with the visitor.

19. The following are prohibited for visitors to Riga ZOO and its territory: 19.1. enter and move with a bicycle, scooter, skateboard, roller skates, dip dap wheel and other vehicles;

19.2. to enter with animals;

19.3. enter with balloons, drones and other flying objects or devices;

19.4. enter with cotton candy;

19.5. feed, touch and disturb the animals of the Riga ZOO;

19.6. make noise in the territory of Riga ZOO;

19.7. climb behind barriers, as well as sit on barriers and fencing;

19.8. to damage the vegetation, inventory and buildings of the Riga ZOO, as well as to remove and move the inventory;

19.9. to be in the territory of Riga ZOO after working hours;

19.10. to unreasonably disturb Riga ZOO employees during the performance of their direct duties, or distract from them;

19.11. use devices with an open or covered flame, including grills, except in cases where it is coordinated with the Riga ZOO Sales and Customer Management Department;

19.12. entering and being under the influence of alcohol, narcotic, toxic and psychotropic substances;

19.13. use alcohol, narcotic, toxic and psychotropic substances;

19.14. keep and use a gas cylinder, gas pistol, firearm, cold weapon;

19.15. to smoke, including electronic cigarettes, except in specially designated places;

19.16. bring flammable, explosive substances and objects.

III. Rights of Riga ZOO employees

20. Point out and reprimand Riga ZOO visitors for their behavior and/or actions that are contrary to the existing internal rules of Riga ZOO.

21. Without paying the money for the ticket, expel from the Riga ZOO a visitor who violates the rules of the internal order of the Riga ZOO, disturbs public order, is clearly under the influence of alcohol or otherwise endangers other visitors, employees and / or animals of the Riga ZOO.

22 . In case of violations of the rules of the internal order of the Riga ZOO, the "Act of finding violations of the internal rules of the Riga ZOO" is drawn up, where the violation is recorded.

23. Not to sell a ticket, not to admit to the event and deny entry to Riga ZOO person:

22.1. if it is clearly under the influence of alcohol or intoxicating substances, disrupts public order;

22.2. who does not observe personal hygiene or general epidemiological safety rules;

22.3. if a person violates the rules of the internal procedure of Riga ZOO, as well as in cases where a person is caught in a fraud attempt.

IV. Obligations of Riga ZOO visitors

24. When purchasing tickets with a discount in self-service ticket machines and not being able to present a document that grants the right to purchase tickets with a discount, the Riga ZOO visitor pays extra and buys an additional ticket in the amount of the difference.

25. When purchasing tickets with a discount, the visitor must present to the Riga ZOO cashier or customer consultant a document certifying that the visitor is entitled to use the relevant discount.

If the discount is not presented, the discount will not be applied to the ticket.

VI. Final provision

26. Notethe provisions enter into force at the moment of their approval.

27. All information related to personal data and required for the purchase of an e-ticket will be processed in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law and will be used exclusively for the purchase of an e-ticket. Payment card data used in e-ticket purchase transactions are not available and visible at Riga ZOO. To complete the transaction, the customer is directed to a secure shopping environment.

28. The current prices and discount policy of Riga ZOO entrance tickets are published on the website, as well as information is available at the Riga ZOO ticket offices .

Action in emergency situations, including cases where medical assistance is required:

29. If you see a violation or detect an emergency situation or need help, immediately report the incident to the staff of the Internal Security Service of Riga ZOO in person or by calling the phone number: +371 29 44 3993.

On the AllEvents portal you can always Buy tickets to an event Childrens Ekskursija 'Čaks & Vakilija' Rīga ZOO, Rīga, Rīgas Zooloģiskais dārzs December 05 - April 12

* The description translation is done automatically. There may be inaccuracies. Be sure to check the event description on the ticket store website when buying tickets.


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Rīgas Nacionālais zooloģiskais dārzs SIA

28001109 /

Meža prospekts 1, Rīga, LV-1014, Rīga,

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