Buy tickets Astrologa un numerologa konsultācija. 75 minūtes online vai 50 minūtes klātienē -, Skype, WhatsApp, Zoom January 31

Astrologa un numerologa konsultācija. 75 minūtes online vai 50 minūtes klātienē

January 31 (Fri), 10:00 - 23:59
-, Skype, WhatsApp, Zoom, Online
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50.00 €
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Give the gift of a guide!
Both astrology and numerology give you the opportunity to see your question from a different perspective. Why not take this opportunity and get more information to make it easier to make a final decision?!?
I, Katrina Rose, use both Western and Vedic Astrology (Joytish), as well as Tarot and Classical Numerology when responding to clients. In my experience, none of the above methods are perfect. A "cocktail" of them is needed. I have been actively consulting for several years. The most frequent questions of clients: getting to know the personality, (my path, profession, what to guard against, what strengths), relationships (why, compatibility, what to do), choices and predictions for the future.
Clients say about me: Thank you for being with me in my difficult moments, in my happy moments! Thank you for encouraging me to be fearless, brave, love myself, believe in myself and realize how strong and powerful I am. Understand your talent!!! I want you to be my ally in the future. May you succeed even more in helping people like you helped me! Your answers are addictive in a good way. The situation is laid out in such detail that all the unknowns gradually begin to form the big picture. Thank you! You can get to know me more on the website or on social networks Facebook / Instagram: TARO_ _Art
You can apply for a consultation by writing to Taro_ or by calling: +371 29 228 174
The consultation takes place: remotely via Zoom, WhatApp or by calling. Duration of conversation - 75 minutes. In person - Riga, Krishjania Barona iela 130/2, Latgale suburb, Riga, LV-1011 Duration of conversation - 50 minutes. Languages ​​of conversation: Latvian, Russian and English.
The gift card is valid for 1 year from the moment of purchase.

The gift card is valid for 12 months from the moment of purchase. You can apply for a consultation by writing
Taro_ or by calling: +371 29 228 174 Spoken languages : Latvian, Russian and English.

On the AllEvents portal you can always Buy tickets to an event Others Astrologa un numerologa konsultācija. 75 minūtes online vai 50 minūtes klātienē, -, Skype, WhatsApp, Zoom January 31

* The description translation is done automatically. There may be inaccuracies. Be sure to check the event description on the ticket store website when buying tickets.


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Agnarta SIA

+371 29 228 174

Duntes iela 28 - 29, Rīga, LV-1005, Rīga,

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