Buy tickets 2Annas ISFF 2025: Fokuss: Kinky Kino 18+ Rīga, Kaņepes Kultūras centrs April 05

2Annas ISFF 2025: Fokuss: Kinky Kino 18+

April 05 (Sat), 22:00 - 23:22
Rīga, Kaņepes Kultūras centrs, Skolas iela 15
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2.12 €
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Riga International Short Film Festival 2Annas

2025. The 29th time will take place and, as usual, will offer viewers original, innovative, challenging, as well as socially active short films and medium -length films. 2Annas exists in a context where the short film format is not just a step towards the first full -length work, but a deliberate, consistent choice that results in a high -quality art fact. The festival is also known for crazy parties in unusual places, free atmosphere and creative expression not only in the form of cinema.

2Annas offers four competition programs every year: international short film competition, Baltic short film competition, international medium -length film competition, as well as competitions for children and young people. In 2024, the festival will take place both in person and online. Every three years the cycle of these programs is changed and aims to encourage the public to encourage the discussion on the focus of the focus, 2023 - 2025's focus cycle chosen "body and flesh" (2023), "Mind" (2024) and "Symbiosis" (2025). For political relations, new types of relations in the 21st century, as well as adult audiences will offer feminist eroticism.

Also in 2025, for the second time in the history of the festival and the Latvian film industry, the festival LGBTQ+ section will take place: Pure Kvir.

Alongside the festival "2annas", open discussions between film viewers and creators, participate in various cultural events, such as the Latvian Academy of Arts Carnival, the International Music Festival Good Nature, Contemporary Art Forum "White Night", etc. For us Facebook and Instagram .

Card owners, the card code should be entered in pre -sale or discounts on codes for codes at 6.05% of each ticket price! The event can be attended: from 18 years of age
free admission: not for Ukrainian citizens presenting Ukraine's passport entrance - free duration: ~ 1.22h
wheelchair: No
Discount for a person with disabilities in a wheelchair: no

On the AllEvents portal you can always Buy tickets to an event Others 2Annas ISFF 2025: Fokuss: Kinky Kino 18+, Rīga, Kaņepes Kultūras centrs April 05

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URGA, Virtuālā studija


Līksnas iela 26 - 9, Rīga, LV-1003, Rīga,

Events and tickets Rīga, Kaņepes Kultūras centrs


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