Buy tickets Harolda Fraja neticamais svētceļojums / Невероятное паломничество Гарольда Фрая / The unlikely pilgrimage of Harold Fry Rīga, Kino Splendid Palace September 28

Harolda Fraja neticamais svētceļojums / Невероятное паломничество Гарольда Фрая / The unlikely pilgrimage of Harold Fry

September 28 (Sat), 16:55 - 18:30
Rīga, Kino Splendid Palace, Elizabetes iela 61
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8.77 €
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The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry
Great Britain, 2024, 108 min
Director: Hattie MacDonald
Stars: Jim Broadbent, Penelope Wilton, Linda Bassett, Earl Cave, etc. What is a man capable of with a guilty conscience?
One day after lunch, Harold Fry left the house to drop a letter in the mailbox...
And didn't make it.
Yes, yes, the same Harold Fry , who is locked into the frame of his monotonous life, so predictable with its
sad constancy, except for playing bridge with the neighbors and winning the local horticultural society for the longest
grown courgette.
Same Harold Fry, who had never gone further than his car, left home and... became a
British national hero.
It's never too late to challenge fate and start a new life, especially if there is a valid
reason. And Harold Fry decided to walk halfway across the country to give hope to the girlfriend of his youth with
whom he had had a stupid fight with and hadn't spoken to in over 20 years. Crazy? Partly.
Join is ultimately about going through the pain, and to do that you have to dare to go through it from
start to finish. No one will do it for you.
But what is he running away from? What is it actually? To understand the true reason for Harold's pilgrimage, one must
walk this path with him.
Everything here will be just like in life: laughter, tears, drama, heightened emotions, struggle, triumph and always
inspiring humanity and goodness. A moving, vital journey from despair to hope.
It may require copious amounts of handkerchiefs, chamomile tea and friendly hugs, but this
openly sentimental film has a distinctly British flavor - bittersweet and eccentric. The perfect tonic
in difficult times. Original language: English
The translation of the film is provided in YOUR audio headphones* in Latvian, Russian
*To hear the translation, you need plugins, which you can get for a €1 deposit. After the end of the show, returning the plug, you will get 1€ back at the exit from the auditorium.

Agent's fee of 9.68% of the price of each ticket is applied to the tickets! The event can be attended: from the age of 16+ Original language: English
Film translation: provided in YOUR audio headphones* in Latvian and Russian
Free entry: not provided
Event duration: 108min
Entry to the event: 15 min before the start of the film *To hear the translation, you need plugins, which you can get for a €1 pledge. At the end of the show, when you return the plug, you will get €1 back at the exit from the auditorium.

On the AllEvents portal you can always Buy tickets to an event Festivals Harolda Fraja neticamais svētceļojums / Невероятное паломничество Гарольда Фрая / The unlikely pilgrimage of Harold Fry, Rīga, Kino Splendid Palace September 28

* The description translation is done automatically. There may be inaccuracies. Be sure to check the event description on the ticket store website when buying tickets.


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Teātra aģentūra BALTIJAS PĒRLE, biedrība

67289040; 67289019

Krišjāņa Barona iela 25-18, Rīga, LV-1011, Rīga,

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