Buy tickets Samurajs. / Самурай / The Samurai Rīga, Kino Splendid Palace October 03

Samurajs. / Самурай / The Samurai

October 03 (Thu), 20:30 - 22:15
Rīga, Kino Splendid Palace, Elizabetes iela 61
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8.77 €
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Le samouraï

France, Italy, 1967, 105 min

Director: Jean-Pierre Melville

Cast: Alain Delon, Francois Perrier, Nathalie Delon, Cathy Rosier

In memory of the great Alain Delon.

"There is no greater loneliness than the loneliness of a samurai ”...

Dust coat, gun and smoking cigarette. There is a feeling that there is no one in the dark room, but after a while I notice the motionless silhouette of a man on the bed - he is patiently waiting for the moment to go kill again. Hitman Jeff Costello is deeply committed to the minimalism of the ancient Japanese samurai code, and his life is a repetition of its exact rituals. He has no other way but the one that will lead to driving the car, buying a gun, providing an alibi, the murder itself. There is no loneliness deeper than the loneliness of a samurai, if only the loneliness of a tiger in the jungle. But one day he makes a mistake while doing a regular job...

Samurai is close to perfection and is undeniably Alain Delon's best role of his film career.

The film's stylish directorial work, thoughtful script, first-class production are closely related to the overall atmosphere, and it can be called one of the most tense and exciting thrillers ever to hit the big screen.

There is nothing similar to this film in the annals of cinema history, even considering the works of Alfred Hitchcock.

An exemplary neo-noir film that has influenced world cinematography and become a landmark for many generations of directors. It has been recognized by Martin Scorsese, Quentin Tarantino, Jim Jarmusch, Takeshi Kitano, Luc Besson, David Fincher, the Coen brothers.

The film was fully restored and restored by Pathé and Criterion Collection in collaboration with L'Immagine Ritrovata in 2024 from the original 35mm film negative.

Original language: French

Subtitles: English

Agent's fee of 9.68% of the price of each ticket is applied to the tickets! The event can be attended: from the age of 16+ Original language: French
Film translation: provided in YOUR audio headphones* in Latvian and Russian
Free entry: not provided
Event duration: 105min
Entry to the event: 15 min before the start of the film *To hear the translation, you need plugins, which you can get for a €1 pledge. At the end of the show, when you return the plug, you will get €1 back at the exit from the auditorium.

On the AllEvents portal you can always Buy tickets to an event Festivals Samurajs. / Самурай / The Samurai, Rīga, Kino Splendid Palace October 03

* The description translation is done automatically. There may be inaccuracies. Be sure to check the event description on the ticket store website when buying tickets.


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Teātra aģentūra BALTIJAS PĒRLE, biedrība

67289040; 67289019

Krišjāņa Barona iela 25-18, Rīga, LV-1011, Rīga,

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