Buy tickets Bridžita Džounsa: Kā traka pēc viņa Sigulda, KINO LORA, Sigulda March 11

Bridžita Džounsa: Kā traka pēc viņa

March 11 (Tue), 20:00 - 22:10
Sigulda, KINO LORA, Sigulda, TC Šokolāde, Strēlnieku iela 2
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9.50 €
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Bridget Jones: As crazy after his
bridget jones: Mad about the Boy

Genre: comedy, drama, romance

Director: Michael Morris

Thompson, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Leo Woodall

2 US Film Academy Prize Oscar winner René Zelveger returns to the big screen of the viewers' beloved Bridzita Jones on Valentine's Day! Bridget is once again and raises 9 -year -old Billie and 4 -year -old Meibel. Stuck in emotional instability, she raises children with the help of a loyal friend and former favorite Daniel Cliver (Hugh Grant). But then another man appears unexpectedly in her life.

Movie in English with subtitles in Latvian and Russian.

Length: 2h 05min

When presenting Sigulda County Citizens Card, the ticket price for Thursday's sessions is 7.50 Euro to create an honorable family card, the ticket price for Thursday's sessions 7.00 Euro. Visit: 16+
Language: The film in English with subtitles in Latvian and Russian. Free Admission: No Duration of
Event: ~ 2h 05min

On the AllEvents portal you can always Buy tickets to an event Cinema Bridžita Džounsa: Kā traka pēc viņa, Sigulda, KINO LORA, Sigulda March 11

* The description translation is done automatically. There may be inaccuracies. Be sure to check the event description on the ticket store website when buying tickets.


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Kino Lora SIA

+371 67973972

Brīvības gatve 402C, LV-1024, Rīga

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