For the first time in Latvia, Megahita's "Live is Life" authors will perform. . In Daugavpils, Opus
for the first time in Latvia, the European Rock Legend Group Opus will perform, which has received the nickname "Lighter" due to the bright and expressive presentation of the manner. The show will take place as part of the festival "Daugavpils Summer Dance".
Road to Success
Austrian Poprock Group OPUS Global Fame Gained worldwide thanks to their hit "Live Is Life", but their way to success began in the distant 1973. The band began to execute the cover version of Deep Purple, Colosseum and other famous bands. The OPUS contained Kurt René Plisnier (keyboards), Evald Flegers (guitar) and Walter Bahkenig (bass guitar). Soon, drummer Ginter Grasmuk joined them, bringing them closer to its characteristic sound.
The band began with small concerts in the Austrian regions in Burgenland and Styria, performing both cover versions and their compositions. In 1978, the Opus organized the first Austrian Rock Festival, which became a prominent event in the local music environment.
1979. The band was joined by vocalist Hervig Rudiser, but their debut album "Daydreams" was released in 1980, which showed the influence of classical music. However, over time, the opus focused on popes. The album "Eleven" was released in 1981, brought the band's first gold status in Austria, and the singles "Eleven" and "Flyin" High "became European hits. They took part in big festivals and entered the international arena for the first time. In 1984, the band recorded the album "Up and Down" and continued to expand their performance geography.
"Live is Life" - a triumphal success
1984. On September 2, 2007, the Opus performed the song "Live Is Life" on the 11th anniversary of the band, which later became an international hit. In 1985, the song immediately entered the top of the charts around the world and was awarded with gold and platinum prizes more than 25 times. The band performed in cult music shows such as "Top of the Pops" and MTV, as well as went on a world tour from Ibica to South America. In Canada, Opus received the prestigious Juno Award for Best Single of the Year. Currently, the most popular version of the song on the Spotify platform has more than 245 million views, and the most popular videos of "Live Is Life" are played on YouTube up to 3 million times a day. The "So Tok" platform features nearly 700,000 videos of the three most popular versions of Hita, and the song is played about 700 times a day on world radio stations. It was played before the opening of the European Championship between Germany and Scotland, before the Argentine football team and before the Summer Olympics in Paris.
opus continued to release new albums and go on tours. In 1992, Opus recorded the album "Walkin 'on Air", but in 1993, with the release of a concert and anniversary album "Jubilee", celebrated its 20th anniversary. performed on international stages. In 1998, the Opus recorded the football anthem "Viva Austria".
the band has participated in important musical events in Germany, Portugal, Italy, Brazil and Austria. Their compilation Flyin 'Higher, featuring ten new versions of Live Is Life, confirmed the constant popularity of the band.
"Fire" on stage
Nowadays, opus is still one of the most iconic European rock groups, The group continues to experiment boldly, especially they began collaborating with the popular Austrian band The Schick Sisters, which gave a new impetus to their common creativity. Their joint album, "We are One," received opus fans worldwide. All the legendary opus hits will be performed on the stage, including, of course, the immortal "Live is Life".
As the critics note, the group of opus, thanks to their bright and expressive presentation for the manner, got the nickname "Lighter". Their live performances, characterized by direct communication with the audience, the wave of emotions and the unique musical sound, will be an unforgettable concert this summer. Other world festival stars perform - Bad Boys Blue, Joy, Culture Beat and Unmatched Sabrin.
On the AllEvents portal you can always Buy tickets to an event Concerts Opus Band koncerts Live is Life, Daugavpils, Daugavpils stadions Lokomotīve July 26
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