Buy tickets Absolventu salidojums. Jūrmalas Kauguru vidusskolā 80 gadu jubilejas dienā Jūrmala, Jūrmalas Kauguru vidusskola October 25-26

Absolventu salidojums. Jūrmalas Kauguru vidusskolā 80 gadu jubilejas dienā

October 25-26 (Fri), 19:00 - 01:00
Jūrmala, Jūrmalas Kauguru vidusskola, Raiņa iela 118,
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15.00 €
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Alumni meeting

Jūrmala Kauguru Middle School on the day of its 80th anniversary.

We invite you to a special event - the 80th anniversary meeting of Jūrmala Kauguru Middle School!

Return to the school walls to meet former classmates and teachers, share memories and enjoy a warm evening together.

During the evening we will participate in a fun Musical Bingo, where we will remember the songs we heard in our youth and enjoy the spirit of the competition.

See you soon at the gathering!

Inquiries +37126678110

The event may be attended: from the age of 5
Language of the event: Latvian
Free entrance: not planned
Duration of the event: ~6h
Entrance to the event: from 18:30
Place for a disabled person in a wheelchair: no
Discount for a disabled person in a wheelchair: no

On the AllEvents portal you can always Buy tickets to an event Childrens Absolventu salidojums. Jūrmalas Kauguru vidusskolā 80 gadu jubilejas dienā, Jūrmala, Jūrmalas Kauguru vidusskola October 25-26

* The description translation is done automatically. There may be inaccuracies. Be sure to check the event description on the ticket store website when buying tickets.


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Event organizer

Starptautiskais Talantu Centrs BDR

+371 29510475

Dzirciema iela 1 -23, Rīga, LV-1083, Rīga,

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