Buy tickets Staņislavs Judins & Asnate Rancāne Liepāja,, Tipogrāfijas radošais kvartāls March 22

Staņislavs Judins & Asnate Rancāne

March 22 (Sat), 19:00 - 22:00
Liepāja,, Tipogrāfijas radošais kvartāls, Andreja Pumpura iela 10,
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17.00 €
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Stanislav Judin is looking for inspiration in ethnic, folk music, Asnate Rancane - improvisation. The duo "Stanislav Yudin & Asnate Rancane" came from the idea of ​​combining different musical experiences. The overall manner comes by connecting Stanislav improvisations and compositions with the knowledge of ethnic music and folklore. Original music with folk texts in the duo repertoire is complemented by folk tunes.
Stanislav Judin is most known as jazz and improvisation music double bassist, who often participates in various experimental music projects. He is increasingly focusing on the composition, free improvisation and convinced that inspiration can be found here in his native land.
Asnate Rancāne is an ethnic music researcher, multi -instrumentalist and folk music group " Folk daughter " manager. She has been involved in traditional music since childhood and is looking for inspiration for improvisation, which uses knowledge and experience gained from folklore heritage.

Groups.The Groups of Prices are no different in content and quality.Most prompt to buy the cheapest tickets.The event can be attended: No age limit
Free Admission: No
Event duration: ~ 1h
/> Entrance to the event: from 19:00
Place for disabled wheelchair: No
Disabled in a wheelchair: No

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Tipogrāfijas radošais kvartāls SIA

Andreja Pumpura iela 10, Liepāja, LV-3401, Liepāja,

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