Buy tickets BAHS - mūzika no kosmosa. Koncerts sveču gaismā. (PĀRCELTS NO 14.12.2024) Rīga, Rīgas Sv. Pāvila evaņģēliski luteriskā baznīca December 13

BAHS - mūzika no kosmosa. Koncerts sveču gaismā. (PĀRCELTS NO 14.12.2024)

December 13 (Fri), 19:00 - 20:10
Rīga, Rīgas Sv. Pāvila evaņģēliski luteriskā baznīca, A. Deglava iela 1
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16.00 €
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December 14, St. Paul's Church in Riga (Deglava 1)
Start of the event - 19.00
Bach's music is associated with a series of stable epithets: cosmic, eternal, music of the spheres.
Johann Bach's three fragments as the best work of the spirit of mankind recorded on the Voyager Golden Disc, which was launched from Earth in 1977, in case of an encounter with intelligent life forms outside the earth.
According to "The New York Times", among the world's composers who created masterpieces that stands beyond time, Johann Sebastian Bach is the first in the top ten.
Bach's musical legacy created and determined the fate of music for centuries to come, but the organ was his main tool in the cosmic dialogue with the universe. We invite you to enjoy the most vivid compositions created by the great composer, performed by Ilona Birĭle - one of Latvia's best organists. The main organist of Jēkab's Cathedral and the head of the historical organ festival "Latvija – land of organs". She is a laureate of many international competitions and festivals, regularly performs in Riga Cathedral, as well as gives concerts in Sweden, Finland, the Czech Republic, Holland, Germany, Switzerland, Israel and other countries. Guests will participate in the program: cellist Irina Vilegžanina, as well as organist Diāna Jaunzeme-Portnaya, who in a duet with Ilona BirĶelis will play an overture from the monumental Brandenburg Concerto in F major. The concert will take place in Riga's St. Paul's Church, where you will hear the magnificent organ built in 1912 by the firm E.F. Walcker & Co. The instruments of this company are still considered among the best in the world.
Duration of the concert ~ 1 hour. 10 min.
*the musicians are on the balcony, near the organ
**the use of stage smoke and theater lighting is possible

The event may be attended: from the age of 6
Language of the event: Latvian< br />Free entry: not planned
Duration of the event: ~1h20min
Entrance to the event: from 18:15
Place for a disabled person in a wheelchair: no
Discount for a disabled person in a wheelchair: no

On the AllEvents portal you can always Buy tickets to an event Concerts BAHS - mūzika no kosmosa. Koncerts sveču gaismā. (PĀRCELTS NO 14.12.2024), Rīga, Rīgas Sv. Pāvila evaņģēliski luteriskā baznīca December 13

* The description translation is done automatically. There may be inaccuracies. Be sure to check the event description on the ticket store website when buying tickets.


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Rīgas Mūzikas biedrība, Biedrība


Rembates iela 8 - 70, Rīga, LV-1021, Rīga,

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