Buy tickets 'Smukais & Lībietis' akustiskais koncerts Rīga, Mākslas un kino izklaides nams - KAIF November 28

'Smukais & Lībietis' akustiskais koncerts

November 28 (Thu), 20:00 - 22:30
Rīga, Mākslas un kino izklaides nams - KAIF, Jēkaba iela 20/22
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12.00 €
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Art and cinema entertainment house "KAIF" offers:
Acoustic concert "Smukais & Lībietis".
28/11/2024, at 20:00 (entrance from 19:40)
Good music, good atmosphere and a bar/cafe will be open.
Limited number of places - max. 30.

The guitar duet Rihards Lībietis and Gints Smukais is an impressive adventure in time and space. The two masterful guitarists combine different guitar playing techniques in peaceful and at the same time challenging compositions, which will take the listener both to the mist-covered mountain peaks and to the dawn in the mirror-like waters of the lake. This time the concert is in a particularly present and personal format.

Rihards Lībietis is a musician and music author who regularly performs and collaborates with several Latvian artists and groups (Linda Leen, Raimonds Tiguls, The Originals , etc.). He is also the producer of all Rihards Lībietis Orchestra albums. Two of the group's performances, "Scream, Breathe, Cry" (2015) and "Willful Blindness" (2021) won nominations for the Latvian Music Recordings of the Year award "Zelta Mikrofons". Rihards also composes music for cinema, theater and contemporary dance performances, the most significant of which are the contemporary dance performance Vērpete (2016), the performances Izraidītie (2013) at the Daile Theater and The Death of Bunny Munro (2017) at the Daile Theater.


Gint Smukaj's first contact with the guitar was at the end of 2008. Since 2011, he has started to study composition and percussion in finger style. Since then, he has regularly performed at concerts, both alone with his music and in collaboration with musicians known in Latvia (Jānis Aišpurs, Jānis Stībelis, MUSIQQ, Annija Putniņa, Latvian Voices, Kristīne Prauliņa, Olga Rajecka, Jānis Ozols – Choir "MASKA", etc.) , both in the academic and popular music environment. Gints has also appeared on international stages. Gints has released two solo albums: "Thaw" (2020) and "Flourish" (2018), as well as participated in the recordings of several other albums.

Musical trailer for mood - Rihards Libietis and Gints Smukais - Escape Yourself - live - Your Music Source: v=DmHDUpm9EJw

Spotify Rihards - https://open.spotify .com/artist/6DNPvvCqTMiLQLZ7f2qNhM
Spotify Gints - 4cOL9qJ2eEQoRGuEUcl4HQ

The event may be attended: no age limit
Language of the event: Latvian
Free entry: not provided
Duration of the event: ~2.5h
Entrance to the event: from 19:40
Place for a disabled person in a wheelchair: no
Discount for a disabled person in a wheelchair: no

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Jēkaba iela 20/22, 1B, LV-1050 Rīga,

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