Buy tickets 'Katrīna Gupalo akustiski'. Akustiskais koncerts īpaši klātesošā un personīgā formātā. Rīga, Mākslas un kino izklaides nams - KAIF January 09

'Katrīna Gupalo akustiski'. Akustiskais koncerts īpaši klātesošā un personīgā formātā.

January 09 (Thu), 19:00 - 21:30
Rīga, Mākslas un kino izklaides nams - KAIF, Jēkaba iela 20/22
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20.00 €
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Art and cinema entertainment house "KAIF" offers:
- Katrína Gupalo acoustically -
Concert in a particularly present and personal format.
09/01/2025, at 19:00 (entrance from 18:00)
Good music and good atmosphere.
Bar / cafe will be open.
Limited number of places - max. 30.

Katrīna Gupalo invites her listeners to enjoy the music in exactly the way it was created - acoustically, only in the sounds of voice and piano. Being a professional pianist and singer at the same time, she creates colorful, vivid and emotional sound paintings. The concert will feature the romantic compositions "Silence liberates" and "Tornado", the feminine melodies "Scarlett Challenger" and "Orchideja", the energy-filled songs "Dur Prom", "Kamēr pret sauli kapu", and, of course, the playful Cat's song or "The Cat's" Song". The program will be complemented by romantic compositions in French from the repertoire of Edith Piaf, as well as Neapolitan songs and the music of Imantas Kalniņas. her energy could be powered by HEPP! You can't help but feel it in the music as well: Katrína captivates the audience with her passion, and it doesn't even matter whether she performs her own repertoire or another composer's songs in her own versions." – Sandris Vanzovičs, Neatkarīgā Rīta Avīze.

Katrīna Gupalo is one of the most extraordinary Latvian musicians – owner of a strong and sensual timbre of voice, composer, pianist, creator of music shows, producer and actress. Just like "The Cat's Song", created by Katrīna, surprised thousands of listeners all over the world, receiving a high rating from music critics and listeners, as well as 3rd place in the Latvian Eurovision Song Contest "Supernova". Shortly before that, the first European concert tour of Katrina Gupalo and Edgars Vilcans took place, during which they performed in Prague, Budapest, Vienna, Rome and Vilnius. On the other hand, the year 2023 began with the receipt of the highest Latvian state award - the Order of the Three Stars and participation in the big concert of the Musical Bank in Daugavpils Olympic Center. Katrīna is included in the "Outstanding Women of Latvia" annual achievement list of "Pastaiga 2022" and "Pastaiga 2023" magazine. The Ukrainian support song "Resistance" created by her, which brought together more than 40 musicians, was nominated for the Latvian Television and Radio annual award "Kilograms Kultūras", while the song "Dur Prom" became a radio hit and was in the TOP 10 of the most played songs in Latvia for 13 weeks, playing in nine Latvian in radio stations. Katrina Gupalo studied at the Western Academy of Music in California (USA), the Royal Academy of Music in London (UK) and the Jásep Vitols Lavia Academy of Music. Katrīna has been active in the world of non-academic music since 2018, when she released her debut album "Gentle and Done" and with her self-composed song "Intoxicating Caramel" entered the semi-finals of the Latvian Television competition "Supernova 2018", warmed up British soul music diva Emeli Sande in the Palladium concert hall, performed at the "Laima Vaikule Rendez-Vous" festival in the Dzintari concert hall and went to the United States for the first time on a concert tour.

Link to the mood of the concert - Apvij Rokas - Katrīna Gupalo | Imants Kalniņš:

Event may attend: no age limit
Event language: Latvian
Free entry: not planned
Event duration: ~2.5h, with a break
Entrance to the event: from 18:00
Place for a disabled person in a wheelchair: no
Discount for a disabled person in a wheelchair: no

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Jēkaba iela 20/22, 1B, LV-1050 Rīga,

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