Buy tickets Ave Maria. Ziemassvētku koncerts sveču gaismā. Rīga, Rīgas Sv. Pāvila evaņģēliski luteriskā baznīca December 23

Ave Maria. Ziemassvētku koncerts sveču gaismā.

December 23 (Mon), 21:00 - 22:15
Rīga, Rīgas Sv. Pāvila evaņģēliski luteriskā baznīca, A. Deglava iela 1
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14.00 €
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We invite you to attend a wonderful concert of Christmas organ music and excellent vocals.
Ave Maria is the best-known prayer in the Christian world and the most famous masterpiece of classical music, dedicated to a woman, the Most Holy Virgin Mary - the Mother of God.
Soloists of the Latvian National Opera -Julia Vasilieva (soprano), Ilona Bagele (mezzo-soprano) and organist Ilona Birċele will give the most well-known vocal versions of the prayer "Ave Maria", the Angel's greeting.
A unique atmosphere, hundreds of candles and a perfect performance will take you away from everyday cares and worries.

Come, it will be magical!

The Ave Maria prayer is called the “angelic greeting” because its first phrase is the words of the Archangel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary at the time of the announcement.
The canonical text of the prayer inspired many famous composers to create vocal compositions: Charles Gounod, Johann Sebastian Bach, Franz Schubert.

The event can be attended: from the age of 6
Language of the event: Latvian
Free entry: not provided
Duration of the event: ~1.15h
Entrance to the event: from at 17:15 and 20:15
Place for a disabled person in a wheelchair: no
Discount for a disabled person in a wheelchair: no

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Rīgas Mūzikas biedrība, Biedrība


Rembates iela 8 - 70, Rīga, LV-1021, Rīga,

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