Buy tickets Fantāzija. Animācijas filmu mūzika Rīga, Rīgas Sv. Pāvila evaņģēliski luteriskā baznīca May 31

Fantāzija. Animācijas filmu mūzika

May 31 (Sat), 19:00 - 20:20
Rīga, Rīgas Sv. Pāvila evaņģēliski luteriskā baznīca, A. Deglava iela 1
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14.00 €
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Favorite tunes from Disney World in a candlelight organ concert for adults and children!

The program includes tunes from cartoons you saw and loved as a child, as well as Oscar-nominated soundtracks from the animated films “Beauty and the Beast” , "Heart of Ice", "The Little Mermaid", Walt Disney's "Fantasia", "The Lion King", "Moana", "Aladdin", "Moving Castle" and many others.

The best-known music fragments of the most popular cartoons will be played by the organ, violin, cello, vibraphone and percussion instruments. The hall's special atmosphere and special effects will turn the concert into a real fairy tale.

Special guest - soloist of the Latvian National Opera, soprano Jūlija Vasiļjeva.

Familiar melodies, unique live performance, favorite characters - it will all be like a ticket for a journey back to childhood that will take you into a world of fantasy open to all of us.

FANTASY - Concert to the child that lives in each of us!

Ilona Birħele (organ)
Irina Viļegžanina (cello)
Gidons Grīnbergs (violin)
Virginia Laube - Vītiņa (percussion instruments)
Special guest - Yulia Vasilijeva (soprano)

*musicians are on the balcony, near for the organ
**the use of stage smoke and theater lighting is possible

The event can be attended: from the age of 6
Language of the event: Latvian
Free entry : not planned
Duration of the event: ~1h20min
Entrance to the event: from 18:15
Place for a disabled person in a wheelchair: no
Discount for a disabled person in a wheelchair: no

On the AllEvents portal you can always Buy tickets to an event Concerts Fantāzija. Animācijas filmu mūzika, Rīga, Rīgas Sv. Pāvila evaņģēliski luteriskā baznīca May 31

* The description translation is done automatically. There may be inaccuracies. Be sure to check the event description on the ticket store website when buying tickets.


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Rīgas Mūzikas biedrība, Biedrība


Rembates iela 8 - 70, Rīga, LV-1021, Rīga,

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