Buy tickets Notikums Višī pilsētā / Это случилось в Виши Rīga, Mihaila Čehova Rīgas Krievu teātris October 03

Notikums Višī pilsētā / Это случилось в Виши

October 03 (Thu), 19:00 - 21:00
Rīga, Mihaila Čehova Rīgas Krievu teātris, Kaļķu iela 16
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10.50 €
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Arturs Millers

Event in Vichy

Social detective

Show in Russian with subtitles in Latvian and English.

Artūrs Müller (1915-2005) is a 20th century second-half American author, accomplished playwright and screenwriter, winner of numerous literary awards, including the Pulitzer Prize and four Tony Awards. On the day he passed away, the lights were turned off on Broadway for a few minutes in his mourning.

Arthur Miller's play "It Happened at Vichy" was named by The New York Times as one of the most important plays of our time, which "returned the big theater to the audience". This psychological thriller, social detective, intellectual drama about responsibility, choice and human self-respect has not lost its relevance or sharpness for more than half a century because the historical circumstances here serve no more than decorations that can change over time, mark time and space, but not the essence of what is happening. The theme of the play and the questions posed to its characters are still relevant today.

... France, Vichy, 1942. A whole company of jesters has gathered in a small room: an artist, an electrician, a businessman, a waiter, an actor, an Austrian prince... They have gathered not quite willingly: they have all been detained on the street. Arrested no. At least not yet. But they all have something to hide - from others or from themselves. The examination of documents suddenly turns into a test of masculinity, selflessness and compassion, a test of humanity.


14+ / Duration - 2 hours (without intermission)

The following rules must be observed when visiting the show:

Purchased tickets cannot be exchanged, back does not accept and does not renew in case of loss or damage.Ticket must be purchased by every viewer, regardless of age. Animals are not allowed to enter the theater. Theater visitors are responsible for personal belongings that have not been left in the cloakroom." target="_blank"> We invite the audience to come to the performances on time, after the third bell, entry to the hall is prohibited Food and drinks are not allowed in the audience hall Persons under the influence of alcohol may not be allowed into the audience hall Tickets please keep until the end of the performance, ticket controllers have the right to have them presented Children up to the age of seven are not admitted to the evening performances 7+ The theater opens to the audience 1 hour before the start of the performance Photography and filming during the performance is prohibited without coordination with the Theater We invite you to treat other spectators and artists with respect during the performance . Enjoy!

For students, full-time students, pensioners and viewers with for special needs (disability group I and II) 15% discount on ticket purchase. When coming to the show, a valid ID must be presented at the entrance!

There are specially adapted seats for spectators in wheelchairs in the Great Hall. When buying tickets at the theater box office, audience members in wheelchairs and their companions receive a 50% discount.

On the AllEvents portal you can always Buy tickets to an event Theater Notikums Višī pilsētā / Это случилось в Виши, Rīga, Mihaila Čehova Rīgas Krievu teātris October 03

* The description translation is done automatically. There may be inaccuracies. Be sure to check the event description on the ticket store website when buying tickets.


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Mihaila Čehova Rīgas Krievu teātris VSIA

+371 67224660 /

Kaļķu iela 16, Rīga, LV-1050, Rīga,

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