Buy tickets Cilvēks no restorāna / Человек из ресторана Rīga, Mihaila Čehova Rīgas Krievu teātris October 12

Cilvēks no restorāna / Человек из ресторана

October 12 (Sat), 15:00 - 16:30
Rīga, Mihaila Čehova Rīgas Krievu teātris, Kaļķu iela 16
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23.80 €
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The mono-play, which contains both love and intrigue, humor and philosophy, is based on the motifs of the Russian classic - Ivan Shmelyov's early story "The Man from the Restaurant". In the center of the plot is the "little man" – the one whose circumstances have placed him between the timid and the unremarkable. Although he has a large heart and a resourceful mind, thanks to his position as a waiter in a first-class restaurant, he is very good at picking up details and seeing through those who might be called "the rulers of life". This is a very valuable quality in understanding modern realities, in which those who do not meet the requirements of the age are often pushed away from the "ship deck" of life. Words such as shame, conscience and mercy are rarely heard in our language today. "Today, people of a different style are more in demand, who are more inclined to have an extra five rubles in their pocket," says the main character of this story, Yakov Skorokhodov, and stubbornly sticks to his personal views on what is actually important and valuable. often addressed by theater greats. "Man from the restaurant" also appeared in our repertoire not by chance, because it was Mikhail Chekhov who played Yakov Skorokhodov in 1927 in the still silent cinematograph. In honor of the great master of the stage, his beloved hero is coming on stage again today in a tragicomedy about a small man with a big soul. Probably, it is not for nothing that the greats of the theater have turned to this work so often. It is not by chance that "Man from the Restaurant" appeared in our repertoire, because it was Mikhail Chekhov who played Yakov Skorokhodov in the still silent cinema in 1927. In honor of the great master of the stage, his beloved character takes the stage again today in a tragicomedy about the little man with the big soul. Facebook:

Duration – 1 hour 30 minutes14+Show in Russian


Purchased tickets do not change, It is not accepted back and in case of loss or damage it is not renewed. The ticket must be purchased by every viewer, regardless of age. Animals are not allowed to enter the theater. The visitors of the theater are responsible for personal belongings that have not been left in the wardrobe. For lost or forgotten belongings in the theater, please ask the theater administration (20372513, We invite the audience to come to the performances on time, after the third bell, entry to the hall is denied Food and drinks are not allowed in the audience hall Persons under the influence of alcohol may not be allowed into the audience hall Tickets please keep them until the end of the performance, the ticket controllers have the right to show them Children up to the age of seven are not admitted to the evening performances 7+ The theater opens for the audience 1 hour before the start of the performance Photography and filming during the performance is prohibited without coordination with the Theater We invite you to treat other spectators and artists with respect during Enjoy watching!

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Mihaila Čehova Rīgas Krievu teātris VSIA

+371 67224660 /

Kaļķu iela 16, Rīga, LV-1050, Rīga,

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