Buy tickets Viss ačgārni... / Всё не так... Rīga,, Čehova Teātra Arkāde June 04

Viss ačgārni... / Всё не так...

June 04 (Wed), 19:00 - 20:30
Rīga,, Čehova Teātra Arkāde, Vaļņu iela 19,
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21.25 €
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Vladimir Visockis (1938-1980) is one of those commonly referred to as cult authors. But such a sign is categorically not suitable for him: too pathetic, too artificial, too pretentious in his poetry, music and the vision of the world. At that time, he created an interpretation of jazz for some songs, but did these works primarily with his friends. Now is the time to share a wider audience, especially since Visocki himself once wrote, "When I get my songs, I really hope they reach my listener." Repeating Visocki is not possible, imitating him is useless, but engaging in dialogue, skipping himself and exhaling in his rhythm - it is creative and humanly fair.

Why is Visockis nowadays? Rodion says, “Because today we are talking about pain and about the wrong, about injustice, about people on the border - just like Visockis in his songs. And that is the opposite of what we were taught in childhood and who we believed. Therefore, the title of the song was also chosen for the title of the song "All Achgārni". Some visock texts sound at all for prophecies that have come true, it proves that poets are able to predict events for many years ahead. ”


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Mihaila Čehova Rīgas Krievu teātris VSIA

+371 67224660 /

Kaļķu iela 16, Rīga, LV-1050, Rīga,

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