Buy tickets Dubrovskis / Дубровский Rīga, Mihaila Čehova Rīgas Krievu teātris March 02

Dubrovskis / Дубровский

March 02 (Sun), 16:00 - 18:15
Rīga, Mihaila Čehova Rīgas Krievu teātris, Kaļķu iela 16
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34.00 €
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Estonian Russian Theater guest performances



Duration: 2 hours 15 minutes (1 intermission)

A Tale of One (Nobility) robber.

The ever famous story of Robin Hood. The dispute between two long-time friends - landowners Dubrovsky and Trojekurova - accidentally changes their relationship. Full of Shakespeare's passions - children from families filled with mutual hatred fall in love with each other. She is a young lady brought up in the spirit of French novels, he is a noble-robber who has to fight for justice by breaking the law. Petty grievances, excessive self-love and pride, just like today, lead people's destinies towards tragedy.

Just like two centuries ago, the people affected by "Dubrovsky" resonate strongly in today's society. topics: the self-esteem of the offended person, the power of love and forgiveness. According to the director Sergey Golomazov, the main nerve of the show is a person's self-awareness in an unfair world and the inner need to protect or return what has been destroyed by opponents, the judicial system or the social system.

The director does not hide his sympathy for the main character: although Vladimir Dubrovsky is a robber, as a romantic knight he fights against the human, social and moral injustice, because he cannot do otherwise, and love for the woman whose father had humiliated him was able to awaken in him mercy...


direction and musical design - Sergey Golomazov

playwright - Alexey Shcherbak

scenography and costumes - Oleg Golovko

choreographer - Olga Privis

lighting artist - Antons Andreyuks

show manager - Larisa Cherkasova



Duration: 2 hours 15 minutes (1 intermission)

The story of one (noble) robber.

The ever famous story of Robin Hood. The dispute between two long-time friends - landowners Dubrovska and Trojekurova - accidentally changes their relationship. Full of Shakespearean passions - children of families filled with mutual hatred fall in love with each other. She is a young lady brought up in the spirit of French novels, he is a noble-robber who has to fight for justice by breaking the law. Petty grievances, excessive self-love and pride, just like today, drive people's destinies towards tragedy.

Just like two centuries ago, the themes touched by "Dubrovsky" resonate sharply in today's society: the self-esteem of the offended person, love and forgiveness is power. According to the director Sergey Golomazov, the main nerve of the show is a person's self-awareness in an unfair world and the inner need to protect or return what has been destroyed by opponents, the judicial system or the social system.

The director does not hide his sympathy for main character: although Vladimir Dubrovsky is a robber, he fights against human, social and moral as a romantic knight injustice, because he cannot do otherwise, and love for the woman whose father had humiliated him was able to awaken in him mercy...


direction and musical design - Sergey Golomazov

playwright - Alexey Shcherbak

scenography and costumes - Olegs Golovko

choreographer - Olga Privis

lighting artist - Antons Andreyuks

performances manager - Larisa Cherkasova

On the AllEvents portal you can always Buy tickets to an event Theater Dubrovskis / Дубровский, Rīga, Mihaila Čehova Rīgas Krievu teātris March 02

* The description translation is done automatically. There may be inaccuracies. Be sure to check the event description on the ticket store website when buying tickets.


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Mihaila Čehova Rīgas Krievu teātris VSIA

+371 67224660 /

Kaļķu iela 16, Rīga, LV-1050, Rīga,

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