Buy tickets Nātans. Fantasmagorisks aktiera un rokmūziķa priekšnesums pēc A. Solomonova romāna. Rīga, Rīgas Ebreju kopienas nams April 30

Nātans. Fantasmagorisks aktiera un rokmūziķa priekšnesums pēc A. Solomonova romāna.

April 30 (Wed), 19:00 - 20:30
Rīga, Rīgas Ebreju kopienas nams, Skolas iela 6
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25.00 €
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Nathan. Fantasymagoric actor and rock musician performance by Arthur Solomonov's novel.

Anatoly Belie and Mikhail Borzikin. Riga Jewish Community House (school 6) / 30.04 / 19:00. The show will take place in Russian.

30. In April there will be a unique event in Riga: there will be two on stage - actor Anatoly Belie and rock musician Mikhail Borzkin. In the combination of actor games, text reading and music, what can be called "fantasymagoric performance".

This is not a theater production, but not just reading: Anatoly Belie will play several roles based on text that is absurd and grotesque as modern life. Meanwhile, Mikhail Borzkina, the leader of the legendary band "Television", will not only become the musical accompaniment of the show and storyline, but also on an independent message. By the way, rock musicians perform on the big theater stages extremely rare and, that is, "Nathan" should not be missed.

• "Nathan" duration: 1 hour and 25 minutes. Borzkins and Arthur Solomonov will answer your questions.

The event can be attended: from the age of 12
Language: Russian
Free Admission: No duration of
Event: ~ 1h30min
A place for people with disabilities in a wheelchair: no
discount for people with disabilities in a wheelchair: no

On the AllEvents portal you can always Buy tickets to an event Theater Nātans. Fantasmagorisks aktiera un rokmūziķa priekšnesums pēc A. Solomonova romāna., Rīga, Rīgas Ebreju kopienas nams April 30

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